
Health professionals, legacy makers and transformational media focus of the new international edition of Conference Matters

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The new international edition of Conference Matters provides valuable insights into the development of the Netherlands as an expertise hub for health, sustainability, mobility and artificial intelligence. This edition, now available online, delves into these topics and much more.

Pharmaceutical advertising

Hans Snijder, Managing Director of the Dutch Heart Foundation, explains the Dutch health ecosystem and how is organisation is focused on preventing the rise of heart-related health issues. Dionne Annink of the Foundation for the Code for Pharmaceutical Advertising (CGR) helps you navigating to the complex regulatory landscape surrounding pharmaceutical advertising.

This time we asked our expert panel the question: 'Will AI negatively affect human interaction?'. Is AI teaching individuals how to engage with one another in real life, or did smartphones already set this in motion? The panelist challenge this statement from different perspectives.

Return on investment

We also interviewed Antoinette Barnard, Head of Sales & Alliances at Rabobank. She introduced a new event strategy for the B2B services Tribe at Rabobank, one of the Dutch major banks. Within the first year this approach is already paying off with more sales, substantive PR, better customer insights and a highly motivated ‘tribe’.

In 2019, the Financial Times acquired media company The Next Web (TNW). Zach Butler from TNW Events explains how they ensure ROI for sponsors and highlights the benefits of this partnership.


Is traveling Europe by train a blessing or a curse, we asked some companies and organisers which are increasingly looking for a sustainable alternative to their CO2-consuming air travel. The conclusion: It is a noble pursuit, but there are still some obstacles to overcome. ‘Today, booking a group train ticket is more difficult than your average maths test,’ says an incentive trip organiser. 

When it comes to sustainability at a conference, it’s important to talk the talk as well as walk the walk. For fear of being portrayed as a greenwasher, organisers are sometimes reluctant to talk about sustainability, notes Transformational Media Professor Bianca Harms in this edition of Conference Matters international.

Former marketing expert Marius Smit founded Plastic Whale, which focuses on collecting waste from Dutch canals and ports in order to make new circular products. Smit, an Amsterdam resident, is a true connector who is constantly launching new initiatives. 'I try to contribute positively to this wonderful world by starting companies and projects, organising activities and developing products that set something in motion. Fishing for plastic is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself.'

Legacy and inclusion

Nowadays, organising a conference is more than simply putting on a good event. If you really want to have an impact, you have to consider a sustainable way to ensure that there is a legacy that lives on. But how? Our journalists Judith Munster and Evelien Baks, explore the field, and come up with cases and tips from MeetDenmark and VisitFlanders.

If you’re autistic, highly sensitive or bipolar, attending a conference can be a daunting task. It can include much cacophony, vague programmes or directions, as well as many social challenges. Saskia Schepers, who wrote the bestseller ‘Als alle breinen werken’ (‘When all brains are functioning’) about neurodiversity, explains how to improve things.

PCO's and destinations

In this 142th edition of Conference Matters you also can get acquainted with two professional conference organisers. Pepijn Klerkx, director of the medical conference bureau Congress Care, helps you with how to make the the greenest choice in every aspect of the conference. Marit Wormgoor of By ease explains why her organisation is specialised in multiday internationa medical conferences and meetings for universities, colleges, associations, institutions, and non-profit organisations, that often involve assignments from a scientific perspective.

Conference destinations that present themselves are Utrecht, Antwerp and Alkmaar. And looking for a venue? RAI Amsterdam, Woudschoten, De Werelt, Royal Jaarbeurs, Passenger Terminal Amsterdam and Hotel Zuiderduin give insights in their capacities.

Digital edition

The digital edition of Conference Matters is now available for online reading.



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