
AIPC congres in teken van projectmanagement

De internationale associatie van congrescentra houdt haar jaarlijkse congres in Liverpool van 3 tot en met 7 juli 2010. Het programma richt zich dit keer op project management, van start tot finish. Uitbreidingen, renovaties en nieuwe locaties vormen een steeds groter deel van de activiteiten van het management van congrescentra. Snelle aanpassingen zijn steeds meer nodig om competatief te blijven. Dergelijke werkzaamheden vallen vaak buiten de gangbare expertise van de managers en zij die ervaring hebben opgedaan hebben na het voltooien van hun eigen project weinig aan de verkregen kennis. Om die reden wil AIPC dit jaar zoveel mogelijk kennis op het gebied van project management delen en uitwisselen.
De volgende thema”s worden aangesneden:

1. Where”s the Money? A review by a senior economist of the government investment scene over the next 3-5 years as governments deal with economic stimulation debt in the face of ongoing operating requirements;

2. How Centres are Evolving: a research-based review of changing expectations that will impact the kinds of facilities we will need to meet the future demands of our clients;

3. Converting Concepts into Design: how program requirements and a need for distinguishing features in a competitive environment can be translated into architectural design;

4. Building a Business case: From feasibility studies to business projections, the essential elements of a business plan and who and what you need to develop it effectively.

5. Experiences and Lessons Learned; a panel of AIPC members who have recently completed major projects share their war stories and offer advice for those embarking on similar projects;

6. Winning the PR Battle:
Community and government relations tactics to win the support and commitment required to see a project through to a successful completion;

7. Going Green: Is It Worth It? Do You Have a Choice? From Leed to Green Globe; the state of play and the cost of playing in the sustainability game

8. The Realities of Project Management:
a leading expert in major project management compares notes with veterans of convention development to see what could be done better.

AIPC Annual Conference
3 – 7 juli 2010
ACC Liverpool

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