
Geneva International Assocation Forum (GIAF)

Hilton Geneva Hotel & Conference Centre, Switzerland

12:30 - 15:30

4th edition of the 

Gathering representatives of international and European Associations, Non-Profits, Federations, Societies, NGOs and Universities, GIAF aims at establishing an international leading platform and knowledge sharing event in one of the world’s flagship host destinations for professional associations and non-profit organizations. 

GIAF’s primary mission is to bring together the Geneva-based and international / European associations and non-profit organizations to provide knowledge transfer, to enable peer-to-peer exchange, to share best practices and to design joint initiatives to tackle common challenges, to help achieve better results and greater impact.

Geneva is an institutional and scientific hub and a central location for international diplomacy, scientific research and innovation and professional expertise gathering. The city’s unique ecosystem of public, private, non-profit and academic players provides a fertile ground for fostering an impactful dialogue and expertise sharing. Building a community amongst Geneva-based international and European associations and non-profit organizations is one of the essence of GIAF. 

At GIAF, we discuss the ,how to’ and bring the discussion on developments to the next level. 

Who should attend?

GIAF is accessible to all type of Associations, Federations, Societies and NGOs at all levels (C-level to junior association professionals), GIAF partners and supporters. 


GIAF Day 1  March 25, 2024 

13.00-13.55 - REGISTRATION & Welcome Coffee
14.00-14.15 - WELCOME to GIAF Day 1
14.15-14.30 - ICEBREAKER
14.30-15.15 - INSPIRATIONAL KEYNOTE OPENING (Plenary Room)
15.15-16.00 - THE NEW ROLE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL / EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IN TURBULENT TIMES (Inspiring moderated and interactive plenary session with Q&A)
16.00-16.30 - COFFEE BREAK
16.30-17.30 - INSPIRING LEADERSHIP DISCUSSION (Interactive Plenary Session)
18.00 - 20.00 - NETWORKING APERO / DINNER for Associations and Partner (Enjoy casual networking with your association peers and friends)

GIAF - Day 2  March 26, 2024 

08.30-08.55 - REGISTRATION & Welcome Coffee
09.00-09.10 - WELCOME to GIAF Day 2
Session 1: WORKSHOPS
9.15-10.30 - INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY: Data Management - Sort out your Mess!
9.15-10.30 - EVENT MARKETING - Associations sharing best practices 
10.30-11.00 - COFFEE BREAK (Time to catch up with old and new association peers and friends)
Session 2: WORKSHOPS
11.00-12.15 - STRATEGIC PLANNING - Strategic Wizardry: Conjuring Success in 75 Minutes
11.00-12.15 - MEMBERSHIP RETENTION & DEVELOPMENT - Associations sharing best practices
12.15-13.15 - LUNCH
Session 3: WORKSHOPS
13.20-14.30 - SETTING THE RIGHT PRICING / FEE STRUCTURE – Associations sharing best practices
14.30-15.00 - COFFEE BREAK
Session 4: WORKSHOPS
15.00-16.00 - CYBER (IN)SECURITY. Your Association might be next!
16.00-16.30 - Wrap Up. Key learnings. Next steps and actions. Official closing. 

Registration Fees in CHF

  Early bird
(09-25 Feb.)
(26 Feb - 15 Mar.)
(16-22 Mar.)
Associations/ federations/ societies/ unicersities/ NGOs 195 - 295 395 - 495 495 - 595
Association Management Companies (AMCS) & PCO'S 295 - 395 495 - 695 595 - 895

For group discounts* (ticket purchase for 2 or more colleagues from same association / organization):

2 tickets = 20% discount*- use group discount coupon: giafgroup20

3 or more tickets = 30% discount* - group discount coupon: giafgroup30

If you encounter any issues booking your group tickets, please contact Jenny at hello@associationworld.eu

Register here.

Check out the website for more information about GIAF.